03 August 2011

Chickety China, the Chinese chicken

Hi. Can we talk about how my MTC report date is four weeks from today?


I'm freaking out! (If you couldn't tell). It's a semi-nervous-but-mostly-excited type of freaking out. If I think about it too much, I freak out even more, so I only occasionally think about how I'm going to be at the MTC while all my friends are across the street at BYU until I peace out and, for the second time in my life, fly to Italy (on an airplane. Yeah. They do that.) and then LIVE there and have a companion with me 24/7 and have to talk to strangers in Italian. Did I mention I'll be living in Italy? IN ITALY. Yeah.

Ok, that's enough of that. How about an update on how my wardrobe is coming together??? (There may be an unofficial mission clothing photo shoot later...we'll see) K great.

As of now I have the following items:
-Skirts: 7 for sure and 3 others that may or may not make the final cut
-Shirts: 3 button-ups and 6 knit tops
-Sweaters: 3 (maybe 4) regular sweaters and 2 cardigans
-Jackets: 2 blazers, my military jacket (from Siena) and my blue coat
-Shoes: the boots and the oxford flats from this post

I have a few other random things that I still need (a toothbrush case, for example), but clothing-wise I will probably only get a few more shirts, a sweater or cardigan or two, maybe one more skirt, a not black blazer and another pair of shoes (in black). That is, if I can find any that I like.

The good news is that I hear that they also sell clothing in Milan so I can get other things there (if time, budget and need permit). Go figure.

1 comment:

  1. Nice, dude! And hooray for missions and photoshoots! :)
