11 July 2011

Here's the thing...

So I have a dilemma.

No, not that kind of a dilemma.

I'm having a sister missionary shoe dilemma.

If you weren't aware, Milan is the fashion capital of Italy. I mean, it's right up there with Paris, London and NYC in terms of fashion. If I dress like a frumpy missionary, I can guarantee you that the Italians will not talk to me. They just won't. That may sound like an exaggeration, but it's not. These are the Italians we're talking about.

Thus the shoes. I can't...I just can't wear ugly shoes. I can't wear them on principle, much less wear them in Milan. I also can't wear flats. I can't help that I'm an apparent descendant of Bigfoot, and if I wore flats I'd need to get a boating license because they are HUGE. Seriously, you could hop in and sail across the Atlantic in one of those shoes. Seriously.

Kill me.

Buttttttttt... I'm gonna be doing a ton of walking. Sigh. I haven't had much luck so far. I want to have shoes I can walk in, but a lot of walking will really require that I wear socks.


This is what I've been looking at:

And/or maybe something like this for Sunday:

I'm seriously hosed.



  1. Sorry, dude! That sounds like an awful situation to be in... From the top three, the last ones are my favorites. And the bottom three are all rockin'! Good luck!

  2. I love the Oxfords! They're classy! And you could wear ankle socks with them... oh I'm just so excited for you Sorella Soh!

  3. Take comfort in the fact that shoes are the worst part of being a missionary! The rest is all up hill from here!
