30 January 2013

Missionaria alla milanese


Wednesday again? Yikies! Last week the Bergamo sorelle (Slla McNamara and Slla Harward) came down and had pday with us. We went to the Teatro alla Scala which is the famous opera house here in Milano. IT WAS AWESOME!!! First of all, the guy at the box office let us in for free! We went up the stairs to the little museum thing that had a bunch of paintings and stuff of famous composers and opera singers, and then we got to go into one of the audience boxes and see the theater. Unfortunately, the lights were all out so we didn't get to see everything in detail...BUT! It was dark because they were doing a dress rehearsal for the opera "Nabucco" so we got to watch part of it!!!! It was so so awesome!!! It wasn't with the orchestra, just with the piano, but we heard some of the singers - a soprano, a tenor, a bass, and a mezzo soprano. It was really cool. Slla Harward was a vocal performance major at Utah State and so it was even cooler for her to be there.

Oh, and mom, two weeks ago I bought new boots. They were on sale for 40€ and they've turned out to be probably the best purchase I've made all winter because they're super warm and also waterproof! They're not super attractive, but such is my life. Sigh.

I'm happy to hear that the fam is reading in Alma 50ish right now because I just read that chapter today! I guess I'll finish before you guys, but that just means that I'll get to read the end of the BoM with you all again. Hopefully that will help start to make up for all those times I've read 1 Nephi 1 and never gotten to Moroni 10...

So scambio this week! I went to Bergamo! I really liked it. Bergamo is really beautiful, and really clean! It's an interesting contrast to Milano, and the two cities are less than an hour apart on the train. Slla Harward is really good friends with my friend Mary Kremer who studied abroad in Siena with me, so that was cool. Slla Lyman and Slla McNamara stayed here in Milano and they set a baptismal date with Mishell (aka Michelle), the 9 year old girl we are teaching. February 24th after church! That brings our total baptismal dates up to 3! We're super excited to have so many people who want to get baptized. We've also had a lot of referrals from members of less-actives that they'd like us to go see. The best part is that these people are really in situations where they want and need our support and so that has been really neat for us as well. Ideally the ward takes care of teaching new converts and less-actives, not the missionaries, but it's definitely nice to feel needed.

Our awesome investigator, Jennifer, is doing really great. I almost feel bad that we have to wait until the 16th so she can get baptized - she's ready right now! I feel so blessed to be able to go over and teach her because she knows everything is true. I feel like we don't really do anything! I just feel really good when we have lessons with her and I know it's because the Spirit is there. We just all feel really good, really comfortable when we're in our lessons.

Um. It's week 5 of the transfer! It also means that Slla Lyman is senior companion for the week!! I know she's not particularly excited about it, but none of my trainees have ever been excited about it, so she's in good company. She's doing great though and hopefully she'll make it to the end of the week without wanting to strangle me! We did have kind of a weird experience yesterday, nothing to freak out about, but extra prayers of protection and safety would really be appreciated.

I hope everyone is enjoying the weather! Here it's been pretty much just foggy and cold every day. The other day it rained and rained and then snowed and then rained again. Luckily our heaters work really well in the apartment, so we're safe from that! I've just been extra glad to have these new waterproof boots! One day of walking around with soggy boots and socks was enough for me!

Well, it's that time again. Keep reading your scriptures and look for the miracles in your lives! I asked Slla McNamara last week what things she felt like she has learned on her mission and she said "Miracles. Before my mission I kinda glossed over them and was like 'yeah, whatever', but they are real!!! They are so real!" So! Look for 'em! I love you all very much! Have a fantastic week!

Sorella SOH

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