13 March 2013

The Final Countdown

Hello everyone!!!

Well the biggest news is that the Church has just changed the email policy and so now missionaries are allowed to email friends and new converts in addition to emailing their family members!!! And now we have 90 minutes of internet time instead of 60!!! Of course this news is coming on my second to last pday...dangit! [Note from Nicole: she said I can give you her email address, so if you want to send her a short message here it is: katherine.soh@myldsmail.net - send it by Tuesday night, probably, since we never know what time on Wednesday she'll get online and she will be home NEXT FRIDAY!]

Yeah. It's my second to last pday. Tomorrow is the sorelle conference. And then I start the "last days" - "my last Friday in the mission", "my last Sunday in the mission", etc. YIKIES!!!! To be honest, I haven't really been freaking out about it. I thought I would be, but I'm not. Mostly I just feel like my mission will never end. We had a Zone Training Meeting on Monday and I had the opportunity to bear my testimony in front of the zone (dying testimony) and it went fine. I think a few people kinda cried, but it's because I talked about moms, haha. I already asked President and he said that he's going to let me and Slla Hanks give our testimonies at the end of the sister conference because we're both going home next week.

Next week. Yikes. It does mean, though, that I have to ask something I've never asked you all before. I have to ask you to NOT send me any letters! Any letters that haven't been sent already probably won't get to me, so if you have a letter waiting, just send it to my house in AL...not that there are any.

I heard through the rumor mill that Flavia got baptized!!! Down in Battipaglia, probably. Is it true!??!?!?! I hope so. She is so awesome!!! I love her so much!!!

I got letters from Slla Walton, Slla Lopez and Erilyn this week! It was a great week! OH!! And Slla Nilson - I met Claudia!!!! She's in my Stake and so I met her at Stake Conf this past Sunday. I went up to her and was like "are you Claudia?" and she said "how do you know?!" Apparently she saw me last year while I was serving in Torino...I was SUPER surprised about that - I didn't think ANYONE would remember me from Torino, let alone someone who wasn't even a part of our ward! She is a total babe and loves you a ton. OH, and I also saw Fllo Fergnani there! They just moved to Milano 1 a couple of weeks ago! I was SO shocked to see him.

This week has been kinda nuts. Let's be real, my whole last transfer has been kinda nuts. We had a scambio with the sorelle in Varese last Thursday and I was with Slla Pearce again! I scambioed with her a few transfers ago down in Rimini. She is a rockstar and contacting and I learned a ton from her. She told me "I know I'm not really that cool of a person, but if you ever want to hang out after the mission, I would be down." I told her "...I'm not really that cool." haha

So our Zone Training Meeting on Monday was in Como. This time we took the train to a different station in Como and it stops right by the lake. Holy quack, Como is BEAUTIFUL!!! I always wanted to serve there...and not because George Clooney has a house there! The church building there is really cute, too. It looks like a former villa or something. Super nice.

I feel like I don't really know what to write today. Most of what I remember about the past week is just how much I love all these people that we teach. Jennifer is so awesome and is still progressing so well, even after her baptism. I ordered a Spanish Triple Combination for her and we're going to give it to her next week...after I attempt to write a note in the cover in Spanish! Good thing we have some native spanish speakers around that can check it to make sure it makes sense! Mishell is so cute and I love being with their family. The members all keep asking me how many days I have left. They're so funny. When I was in Torino, I picked up a coat that used to belong to a former sister and I've had it all my mission. I'm wearing it in a few pictures - it's a black and white speckly pattern kind of . coat. Anyway, I never planned on taking it home with me, and I told that to Jennifer's mom, Crista. Well, Crista said "Well then I want it!!!" and she even tried it on, haha. So in exchange for the coat (which wasn't even mine to begin with) I told her that I want a meal! So on Tuesday we're going over to have a typical El Salvadorian lunch with her! Not a bad deal, right?! haha

Well, that's about all I've got time for. Hopefully I haven't bored you all to death, but even if I did, you've only got one more email left from me to be bored with! OH!!! I FINISHED THE BOOK OF MORMON IN ITALIAN!!!!! I finished on Sunday morning. Keep chugging along in your reading! Ce la fate!!! I love you all very much! See ya real soon!

Sorella SOH 

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