Blog title is a line from "Apollo and Daphne" by Ovid, in the Metamorphoses
Being a foreigner in Italy, it was inevitable that I would begin to draw comparisons between this country and my own country. Somers and I just drew up two lists our favorite things about each country. They're both a work in progress, but here's what I have down so far:
Things I love about Italy
-Walking through the city every day
-ART. Out the wazoo. Tons of it and all of it amazing.
-Siena and the Contrade
-Gelato! Especially from Vivoli in Firenze and Kopacabana in Siena :)
-Cheap European chocolate like Kinder and Milka
-HARIBO. Mmmm.
-Cheese and prosciutto
-Having class with Talbot aka D-Tal
-Hunky Italian men
-Marco and Paola!
-Fiat cars
-Eating pasta for dinner every night
-Fresh fruit that wasn't picked in Mexico 3 weeks before you bought it
-Seeing the black and white marble of the Duomo every day
-Multigrain baguettes from Conad
-The art. All of it.
-Amazing views of the Tuscan hills around every corner
-Window shopping
-A good transportation/bus system
-Panini from Gino Cacino's and pizza al taglio
-Speaking and hearing Italian every day
-The Wednesday market
-Italian art
-Having everything around you be way older than you can even comprehend
-The fountains (large and small) in Rome
-Sleeping like a rock every night
-Hinged windows
-Italian shoes and scarves
-Well dressed men
-Art-packed churches everywhere
-The LDS members of the Siena Branch
-The awesome friends I've made with my BYU groupies
-Laughing with Somers every night
Things I love about America
-Towels fresh out of the dryer
-Washing my hands with warm water
-Not having to use soggy toilet paper and sit on a wet toilet seat because your potty is in the shower
-Being able to do laundry at my own house for free whenever I want
-Not having to re-wear clothing without washing them
-8.5" x 11" paper
-Knowing where to buy stuff
-Knowing what I'm buying
-Knowing when I'm getting ripped off
-Air conditioning
-Being able to drive
-Music everywhere
-Being able to walk down the street without walking into and inhaling someone else's puff of cigarette smoke that they've left in their wake
-Being able to communicate with people and know what they're saying to you
-Cold skim milk
-My mink blankey
-My kitties! :(
-Not being taller than 90% of the population
-Full-length Mirrors
-Carpets and vacuuming
-Blow drying my hair every day
-TEXTING. And cell phones in general.
-Netflix and watching movies
-Eating dinner early
-Money bills that are all the same size and actually have value to me
-People that don't hate Americans
-Taking science classes
-Having a schedule
-Chocolate chip cookies
-My BB gun
-Playing music loudly (iPod, guitar, ukulele) and singing and dancing along
...And many more to come, for both lists!
I noticed that you like art (no overload on the medieval type?) and you should have brought your BB gun, it would have come in handy anytime we are eating outside, which is pretty much every day...
ReplyDeleteThe New York Times has a great column today, "36 Hours in Rome"...see if you can catch it on their web site!