18 April 2012


Hey there famiglia, cari e stranieri!!!

Well...I'm getting transferred!!!!!!!!! I will be going to...drumroll, please....SAVONA!!!!! I honestly don't really know anything about Savona except that it's in the province of Liguria (between Piemonte and Toscana) and apparently it's a little city on the sea! I will still be in the same zone! They have a little branch there, as well as a Senior Couple who work at the Young Adult center/institute there, with whom we apparently work pretty closely (they don't speak much Italian, I hear). Basically they will be my Italian Nana and Opa!!! And as for my new companion...it's Sorella Jones!!! If you remember, we did our scambio (exchange) with the sorelle from Savona a few weeks ago when they came to Torino. Sor Jones was companions with Sor Bunker, but now it's my turn - and this time it's for realsies! I'm super excited to get to be companions with her (and to also not be a trainer OR senior companion! Woo! Stress-free, right?? Ha.) I'm excited. A Sorella Sloan will be coming from Pordenone to take my place in Torino and be companions with Sor B. Funny story - I know Sorella Sloan! I didn't know her on a last-name basis, so I had no idea she was here, but when I saw her at our sorelle training a few weeks ago I knew her instantly - we were in two Italian classes together at BYU! And even crazier, we did a project together one time about Piemonte and Torino! I KNOW!!! Heavenly Father is a funny guy. I like him.

It's hard to believe I'm really leaving Torino. It doesn't feel that weird, maybe because Savona is not that far away. I still have a ton left to do before we have to leave tomorrow morning! There's a new convert that we teach who is from the Dominican Republic and she wants to feed us lunch today - Dominican food! We were going to eat with her last night, but she forgot. Instead she just fed us Italian food. But she insisted on feeding us food "from her country" today. We really don't have time to go all the way over there, but guess what. We're doing it anyway because I just couldn't say no to her pleas! Hope it all works out! I told a couple of the members I was probably going to get transferred (I didn't know for sure until President called me on Monday night about it) and so consequently we've had a la couple of meal appointments in the past bit. Saturday we had lunch with the Varela family. They're from Peru.

Then we stopped Sunday afternoon to visit the Espinoza family and the daughters latched onto my arms for the picture, so I look super awkward in it, haha. But they are fantastic and I love them so much.

The last picture is of me and the chocolate bunny that our Dominican new convert gave us last night. Something I've learned about the people in this country - regardless of their nationality - is that if they insist on something, you have to oblige. No choice. ESPECIALLY when it comes to food. Oh, which reminds me that we also had lunch yesterday with a member family. I went up to the mom on Sunday and said (in Italian) "hi, this is kind of a weird setting and I'm not sure if I can say all of this in Italian the way I want to, but I don't know what it is about you, I just love you" at which point she kind of said "awwww!" and hugged me. She served her mission in Temple Square and I just think she's awesome. They have three young kids and live pretty far out, but we ate the most amazing pasta (pesto and ricotta...together...life=changed) and I was again reminded of how much I don't like eating in front of people because I spent most of the meal feeling awkward and trying hard to get her to like me. Yeah. I'm pretty sure being a missionary only fosters my awkwardness. Dangit.

So, news about Antonio our baptismal date! Well...he's not getting baptized on Saturday. Because we haven't seen him since we set the date! But! The sorelle here have an appointment with him on Friday. Here's the story: The day after we set the date with him was Monday. We had planned to see him that day, but that morning he called us and said he just got a call for a job and wouldn't be able to make it. Drat. But good! Jobs are good! So we didn't hear from him until Thursday when I called him to see how he was doing. He told me he had read half of the BoM (in less than a week...yeah...golden). And then our phone conversation went a little something like this:

Antonio: Do you remember how we met at your church the other day?
Me: Um, yes...?
Him: And do you remember there was that guy there (I can't remember his name)??
me: yeah, Fratello Giardino?
him: Yeah, and you remember how he prayed?
me: um. yes.
him: and you remember what he said?
me: uh......
him: he prayed that I would find a job, and then the next day - no! The next morning - I got that call about a job!!!
me: (in a state of surprise) well...prayer works!!!

Yeah. That happened. Unfortunately since that time we haven't heard from him, but he told our ward mission leader (Fratello Giardino) that he had left his phone in Milano or something and that's why he hadn't answered our calls. I'm just gonna have to stay on Sor B's case about Antonio and make sure that he gets baptized next transfer! He knows it's true!

Well, I'm out of time. As a side note, ERILYN HEINTZ. WRITE TO ME. Also, Sor Walton is getting transferred to Pordenone to be in a threesome with Sorella Forbes (who I did my scambio with last transfer) and Sorella Lloyd (who I don't really know but is 2 transfers ahead of me in the mission). Pordenone is basically on the other side of the mission, so pretty much that means that I won't see her ever again! Well, at least until the next transfer circle we're both at, which will probably be in July (when she goes home) and then after the mission. CRAZY. Sor B I'll get to see because we'll still be in the same zone, so that'll be good.

Anyway, get pumped for tante belle cose (lots of good things) from Savona.

LOVE LOVE AND MORE LOVE (for the last time) FROM TORINO!!!
Sorella Soh

p.s. mom I got your letter. I'm glad I misinterpreted your comment about feeding missionaries because I was stressing out about the email I sent home! I CAN'T BELIEVE SQUEAKY IS GOING TO GIRLS' CAMP. She's not old enough!!! She still has at least 6 more years before she can go, right??? Sheesh

p.p.s. DAD. YOU'RE GOING TO HAWAII WITHOUT ME?!?!?! Can't Grammy wait another year to have a birthday?? Sighhhh. Alright alright. Just as long as you tell everyone how much I love them (which is a lot). And then to Italy. Giuseppe is SO excited for you to come to Italy. He reminds me pretty much every time I see him that I said I would bring you and mom over to their house for dinner.

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